The cron
daemon manages the global cron tables and users typically
ar not allowed to use them.
On some systems users are allowed to have per user cron tables which mimic the format of the global ones except for the user field.
--> crontab(5)
Showing and manipulating user crontabs is done ia an own command of the same name.
--> crontab(1)
The main surprise could be lines in crontabs misbehaving when a %
occurs. crontab(5)
should explain this.
Use crontab -e
and add a line like:
* * * * * >>/tmp/crontest.$USER python3%import time%print(time.time())
After saving cron
will execute this every minute. To disable it,
disarm it by turning it into a comment by a leading #
or delete that
line completely.
Cron is too dumb for complex events.
Delegate complex stuff to the command part and something to "fire" on each last day of a month, on every even Thursday, on the 256th day of the year, ... and much more is doable even as oneliner.
Examples may or may not show up later.
...and needs to be extended by a lot.
For now testing whether this will appear after committing is more important than an epic collection of examples.